Register of interests

Spencer Farmer

I, Councillor Spencer Farmer, a Member of Hart District Council GIVE NOTICE that I have the following statutory disclosable pecuniary interests which are specified for the purposes of section 30(3) of the Localism Act 2011 (please state ‘none’ where appropriate). In the interest of openness I also declare the following personal interests listed under section 8.

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
Director, SJF Global Limited VP/Audit Director (Europe), Alliance Bernstein, London
2. Sponsorship
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
Contribution to election expenses - NE Hants Conservative Party -
3. Contracts
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
4. Land
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
Redacted - available on request. Redacted - available on request.
5. Licences
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
6. Corporate Tenancies
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
7. Securities
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
8. Other Interests
My interests And of my spouse / civil partner
Chairman, Hart Swimming Club Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales
Non-Swimming Member, Swim England Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors
Member of The Conservative Party and Conservative Councillor Non-Swimming Member, Swim England
Member of The Conservative Councillors Association Member of the Conservative Party
- CFA Society UK