Issue - decisions



Alterations to and extension of The Elvetham Hotel (to include the provision of 46 guest accommodation units) including:

·       Repair and restoration of chapel within Elvetham Hall

·       Demolition of 1970s extension to Elvetham Hall and erection of a single storey extension to accommodate new rooms

·       Partial demolition of existing extension and reinstatement of internal courtyard to Elvetham Hall

·       Various other minor internal and external alterations to Elvetham Hall

·       Demolition of underground air raid shelter

·       Erection of an events centre featuring basement, ground floor and mezzanine floor and a subterranean access from service wing

·       Demolition of glasshouses

·       Erection of new building attached to existing garden wall and small buildings for use as a spa

·       Renovation and conversion of St Mary's Church to provide function facility Refurbishment of water tower to include installation of platform lift and conversion to guest accommodation units

·       Demolition of Bluebell Cottages and the erection of 2 two storey buildings to provide guest accommodation units

·       Demolition of Heather Cottages and the erection of 3 two storey buildings to provide guest accommodation units

·       Conversion of garden store and erection of a part single part two storey building to be known as Journeyman Cottages to provide guest accommodation units

·       Erection of refuse storage building

·       Erection of fuel tanks, generators Replacement of one and creation of one sewerage treatment plant and associated utilities

·       Resurfacing, rearrangement, and extension to car parking

·       Hard and soft landscaping works

·       Replacement entrance gates

·       Formation of gardener's yard

·       Lighting Scheme


DECISION – GRANT, Listed Building Consent, subject to the revised conditions 2 and 3, additional condition 20, and all other conditions and informatives as set out on the agenda report.