Agenda item


The following Motion has been received from Councillor Anne Crampton, seconded by Councillor Chris Dorn.


This Council declares a climate emergency and will:

1.       Pledge to make Hart District carbon neutral by 2050 whilst maintaining the 2040 target for areas under direct control of Hart District Council.


2.       Report to full Council within six months setting out the immediate actions the Council will take to address this emergency and the plan to measure annual District wide progress towards meeting the 2050 target.


3.       Meaningfully engage with the local community and to work with partners across the District and County to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans drawing on local, national and global best practice.


4.       Actively work with Hampshire County Council and the Government to provide the additional powers and resources needed to meet the 2050 target.



The following Motion has been received from Councillor Anne Crampton, seconded by Councillor Chris Dorn.


“This Council declares a climate emergency and will:


1. Pledge to make Hart District carbon neutral by 2050 whilst maintaining the 2040 target for areas under direct control of Hart District Council.


2. Report to full Council within six months setting out the immediate actions the Council will take to address this emergency and the plan to measure annual District wide progress towards meeting the 2050 target.


3. Meaningfully engage with the local community and to work with partners across the District and County to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans drawing on local, national, and global best practice.


4. Actively work with Hampshire County Council and the Government to provide the additional powers and resources needed to meet the 2050 target.”


At the commencement of the debate an amended motion was moved by Councillor Quarterman and seconded by Councillor Radley.


“Following the successful adoption of Hart’s Climate Change Action Plan, this Council now wishes to declare a climate emergency, which commits us to putting the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere at the front and centre of all policies and formal decision making, particularly Planning, and will:


1. Pledge to make Hart District carbon neutral by 2040 whilst bringing forward the current 2040 target to 2035 for areas under direct control of Hart District Council.


2. Report to full Council every six months setting out the current actions the Council is taking to address this emergency and the plan to measure annual District wide progress towards meeting the 2040 target.


3. Meaningfully engage with the local community and to work with partners across the District and County to deliver these new goals through all relevant strategies and plans drawing on local, national, and global best practice.


4. Actively work with Hampshire County Council and the Government to provide the additional powers and resources needed to meet the 2040 target.


5. Actively encourage and push for Hampshire County Council to reduce its target for net zero Carbon to 2040, acknowledging that 2050 is too far away for such an emergency.”


With the consent of the meeting the amendment was agreed and so it became the substantive Motion.


Members were unanimous in acknowledging the fact that there is a climate emergency and were prepared to set challenging new targets to encourage and promote sustainable communities.


After the debate, a recorded vote was taken on the substantive Motion (as amended) was unanimously agreed:


FOR: Ambler, Axam, Bailey, Blewett, Butler, Clarke, Cockarill, Crampton, Crisp, Crookes, Davies, Delaney, Dorn, Drage, Farmer, Forster, Kennett, Kinnell, Lamb, Makepeace-Browne, Neighbour, Oliver, Quarterman, Radley, Smith, Southern, Tomlinson, Wheale, Wildsmith, Worlock, Wright




Abstentions: None.


Decision: The Motion as amended was agreed:


Following the successful adoption of Hart’s Climate Change Action Plan, this Council now wishes to declare a climate emergency, which commits us to putting the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere at the front and centre of all policies and formal decision making, particularly Planning, and will:


1. Pledge to make Hart District carbon neutral by 2040 whilst bringing forward the current 2040 target to 2035 for areas under direct control of Hart District Council.


2. Report to full Council every six months setting out the current actions the Council is taking to address this emergency and the plan to measure annual District wide progress towards meeting the 2040 target.


3. Meaningfully engage with the local community and to work with partners across the District and County to deliver these new goals through all relevant strategies and plans drawing on local, national, and global best practice.


4. Actively work with Hampshire County Council and the Government to provide the additional powers and resources needed to meet the 2040 target.


5. Actively encourage and push for Hampshire County Council to reduce its target for net zero Carbon to 2040, acknowledging that 2050 is too far away for such an emergency.”