Agenda item



The Leader of the Council, Councillor Neighbour reflected upon the events in Ukraine and how it puts everything else into context. 


He announced that the UK shared prosperity fund had been announced by the government. It is a £2.6 billion fund allocated by a funding formula. We do not know how much the Council will receive but a local investment plan must be in place by the summer and more announcements will be made when information comes from the Government. Spending must improve pride in Place and improve life chances. 


Councillor Bailey announced: 


“Many of us know Liz Glen who after 6 years with the council is moving on tomorrow Liz has made a huge impact on the lives of some of our residents with the initiatives she has worked on, across many of the services we provide. I am particularly grateful for the work in the last 2 years, mobilising volunteers and services to make the Hart Response Hub work, supporting vulnerable residents through covid.


All Members had an email last week from the Housing Team updating on progress on implementing new housing IT. The new system will transform the experience that residents in need of social housing and those facing homelessness have when contacting us. 


In June and July Year 6 students will have access to “Think Safe” an active safety training programme in which children take part in mock ups of dangers they may face in everyday day life and learn through experience how to deal with them. Our “Stay Safe” offering to secondary schools covering exploitation, substance misuse, knife crime and domestic abuse is also well underway for delivery in May and has been signed up to by 4 out of the 5 secondary schools. 


And finally, I would like to make an announcement about our CCTV service 

Members will be aware that the council provides CCTV’s 365 days a year that prevent and deter crime, disorder, and anti-social behaviour. The cameras are supported by a state-of-the-art control centre providing coverage 24 hours a day seven days a week. The cameras act as both a deterrent as well as a tool to help the police proceed to successful prosecutions. Any suggestion that the cameras are not being effective is misleading It’s in that context that I want to refute any suggestion given to local residents that a large proportion of the cameras are not working is simply not true.” 


Councillor Bailey’s comments on Liz Glenn were echoed and supported. 


Members discussed the Housing IT system changes, and a written response would be provided on whether it would affect the impending bidding process. 


The CCTV provision and performance were discussed. Faults, data accuracy and the staffing hours of the CCTV Control Centre were raised and requests for the further sharing of performance data (including historical) were made. A visit for Members to the Control Centre was discussed and deemed possible. It was also suggested that a presentation could be given to Members in the future by the CCTV Control Team. 


Councillor Kinnell announced: 


“I wouldn’t normally answer a question sent to me by a Councillor as part of myannouncements at a Full Council meeting, but since this is in the public domain and is quite alarming, I feel it must be addressed formally. I was sent a question by Cllr Forster, once again denigrating our dog warden service provided by SDK Environmental and our Environment Health Team, claiming that there have been multiple reports of a dangerous dog off the lead in Fleet high street over recent weeks. He states that these incidents have been referred to the police, which is of course, the correct course of action, but then goes on to say that the police response was to state that they would not be responding to the reports and that it was Hart District Councils responsibility to deal with these issues. 

We spoke with our Environmental Health Manager and our community safety teams, and we contacted our local police colleagues about these claims, and we were advised categorically, that there had been no reports of dangerous dogs on Fleet High Street. We were advised of one report of a dangerous dog in another part of the district, but we were assured that PC Dan Lehec is dealing with the incident. So, contrary to Cllr Forster’s claims, there has been no dereliction of police responsibility.


Cllr Forster also claimed that our in-house dog warden would have been involved and taken action. This is incorrect. It is the police who decide on the course of action as per The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. DEFRA states in its Guidance on Dangerous Dogs that, “It is vital that every police service within the UK has a good, robust strategy and policy for dealing with dangerous dogs.”


Cllr Forster claimed in the same email that my words are hollow. This is not true; my words are the truth. I don’t lie to residents, neither do I create horror stories and scaremonger, manipulating the truth thereby causing unnecessary fear to our residents by using exaggerated rumours of impending danger. It is disgraceful behaviour by an elected representative and something you should be ashamed of. 


Whilst on this subject, I would also like to address the comment posted on social media by Cllr Forster’s protégée, Cllr Butcher, who just a couple of days ago, claimed, quote “that the dog warden service has had half its capability removed.” Despite previous statements explaining everything our dog warden service covers, either Cllr Butcher still genuinely does not understand the service or he too, is clearly not telling the truth to residents. 

As Councillors we have a responsibility to the public to provides facts rather than speculation and unsubstantiated statements which only undermine the hard work of our officers on a daily basis. If Councillors choose to ignore the facts and mislead their residents, they are failing in their role as an elected member. I would like a list of the 50% of the service we are not doing.”


Members raised objections about the nature and tone of the announcement and were advised that they could seek recourse through the available complaint procedures. 


Councillor Oliver announced: 


“In support of Fleet Town Council and the newly formed Fleet Market CIC I intended to bring a paper to Cabinet at the earliest opportunity to waive the 22/23 £6K lease payment for Gurkha Square to hold Saturday Markets. As the relaunch of the Market is imminent, I have agreed with my Cabinet colleagues that it should now be through an Executive Decision by the Finance Portfolio holder to ensure a speedy resolution. This is in addition to the reduction of £6K already given to Fleet Town Council in March 21 on the agreed lease arrangement of £12K per annum for Saturday markets. This brings HDC Saturday Market fees for the use of Gurkha Square to zero. As a Council we are committed to helping and supporting our High Streets to thrive and serve our communities, but we also have to be mindful of funding and balancing the books. Having been involved through my Fleet Town Council position in its inception I am confident that the new and relaunched market will be successful and drive footfall to Fleet High Street and additional parking visits to our other car parks. We should all wish them every success.”