Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Committee Services
No. | Item |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 100 KB The minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2022 are attached for confirmation and signature as a current record. Minutes: The minutes of 6th October 2022 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Collins. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To declare disposable pecuniary, and any other interests*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Graeme Clark to the meeting in his role of Executive Director – Corporate and S151 Officer.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE AGENDA) Anyone wishing to make a statement to the Committee should contact Committee Services at least two clear working days prior to the meeting. Further information can be found online.
Minutes: In relation to Minute 70, Mr David Turver read out a statement to Cabinet (attached at Appendix 1).
Cabinet noted:
· That Mr Turver’s statement would be included with the Minutes as an appendix at the discretion of the Chairman and Chief Executive
LEASE OF EDENBROOK FLATS PDF 63 KB To seek approval to enter into a lease to transfer the 41 Apartments at Edenbrook (known respectively known as Heather Court and Thistle House) to Butterwood Homes. RECOMMENDATION 1. That The Chief Executive be authorised, to agree the terms and then conclude a 20-year lease for Butterwood Homes to manage on behalf of the Council the 41 Apartments at Edenbrook (known respectively known as Heather Court and Thistle House) Minutes: Cabinet was asked to approve the entering into a lease to transfer the 41 apartments at Edenbrook (known respectively known as Heather Court and Thistle House) to Butterwood Homes.
Cabinet discussed:
DECISION Cabinet agreed:
That The Chief Executive be authorised to agree the terms and then conclude a 20-year lease for Butterwood Homes to manage on behalf of the Council the 41 Apartments at Edenbrook (respectively known as Heather Court and Thistle House) |
ODIHAM AND NORTH WARNBOROUGH CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL PDF 93 KB For Cabinet to adopt the Odiham and North Warnborough Conservation Area Appraisal.
RECOMMENDATION That Cabinet: 1. Adopt the Odiham and North Warnborough Conservation Area Appraisal attached at Appendix 1 for planning and development management purposes; 2. Agrees that the Odiham Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals December 2008 and the North Warnborough Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals March 2009 are no longer adopted or endorsed by the Council; 3. Authorise the Executive Director – Place to make minor alterations and typographical corrections to the Appraisal being published.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet was asked to adopt the Odiham and North Warnborough Conservation Area Appraisal.
Cabinet discussed:
DECISION Cabinet: 1. Agreed to adopt the Odiham and North Warnborough Conservation Area Appraisal for planning and development management purposes; 2. Agreed that the Odiham Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals December 2008 and the North Warnborough Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals March 2009 will be superseded by the new Area Appraisal: 3. Authorised the Executive Director – Place to make minor alterations and typographical corrections prior to the Appraisal being published.
LEASE OF POND AREAS TO HARTLEY WINTNEY PARISH COUNCIL PDF 73 KB To seek Cabinet’s approval to enter into a lease with Hartley Wintney Parish Council for the future management of Causeway and Hatton’s Ponds, Hartley Wintney and to release £50,000 from District S106 Leisure and Open Space receipts to support the future restoration of the ponds.
1. That Cabinet agrees that the Executive Director for Community be authorised to agree the terms and conclude lease for the transfer of ponds in Hartley Wintney Common (see Appendix 1) to Hartley Wintney Parish Council (HWPC)
2. That £50,000 of District S106 Leisure and Open Space funding is transferred to HWPC for the on-going restoration of the ponds.
Additional documents: Minutes: Approval was being sought from Cabinet to enter into a lease with Hartley Wintney Parish Council for the future management of Causeway and Hatton’s Ponds, Hartley Wintney; and also to release £50,000 from District S106 Leisure and Open Space receipts to support the future restoration of the ponds.
Cabinet discussed:
1. Cabinet agreed that the Executive Director for Community be authorised to agree the terms and conclude lease for the transfer of ponds in Hartley Wintney Common (see Appendix 1) to Hartley Wintney Parish Council (HWPC)
2. Cabinet agreed that £50,000 of District S106 Leisure and Open Space funding be transferred to HWPC for the on-going restoration of the ponds.
GRANT FUNDING FOR BIODIVERSITY AND CARBON OFF-SETTING STRATEGY PDF 79 KB To seek Cabinet’s approval to expend £110k (£100k Grant and £10k for earmarked reserves) towards the delivery of “Phase 2” of the approved Biodiversity and Carbon Off-Setting Project, and to seek Cabinet approval to procure the necessary expertise to progress the project.
That Cabinet agrees to expend £110k
(£100k Grant and £10k from earmarked reserves) towards
the delivery of “Phase 2” of the approved Biodiversity
and Carbon Off-Setting Project 2. That approval is given to procure consultants to project manage and develop the strategy
Minutes: To seek Cabinet’s approval to spend £110k (£100k Grant and £10k for earmarked reserves) towards the delivery of “Phase 2” of the approved Biodiversity and Carbon Off-Setting Project, and to seek Cabinet approval to procure the necessary expertise to progress the project.
Cabinet discussed:
DECISION 1. Cabinet agreed to expend £110k (£100k Grant and £10k from earmarked reserves) towards the delivery of “Phase 2” of the approved Biodiversity and Carbon Off-Setting Project 2. Approval was given to procure consultants to project manage and develop the strategy |
SHAPLEY HEATH AUDIT REVIEW To receive an oral update from the S151 Officer with regards to the proposed action plan.
Minutes: Cabinet received an oral update from the Chief Executive regarding the proposed action plan.
Cabinet noted:
The leadership team would be discussing the key outcomes with a view to all future projects being delivered as expected and in a transparent manner |
CABINET WORK PROGRAMME PDF 86 KB To consider and amend the Cabinet Work Programme. Minutes: Cabinet considered and amended the work programme as circulated with the agenda paperwork.
Cabinet noted:
The work programme would be updated accordingly. |