Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 13 August 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Committee Services 

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 88 KB

The minutes of the meeting of 9 July 2024 are attached to be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Proposed by Cllr Butler; Seconded by Cllr Farmer; agreed unanimously


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.


*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent.


Apologies had been received from Cllr Davies, who was being substituted by Cllr Axam, and Cllr Vernon.


Declarations of Interest

To declare disclosable, pecuniary and any other interests*.


*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare.


No declarations were made.


Chair's Announcements


No announcements.


Public Participation (Items Pertaining to the Agenda)

Anyone wishing to make a statement to the Committee should contact Committee Services at least two clear working days prior to the meeting. Further information can be found online.



There was none.


CCTV Review Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To review actions against targets set out in the CCTV Review Action Plan


This report was to review progress against the actions and targets set out in the CCTV Review Action Plan and update Members on outstanding actions.


Members queried:

  • Whether there had been any confirmation of timescales yet for the replacement of analog transmission lines as it was felt this was a priority
  • Whether the delay in upgrading the lines was limiting camera technology
  • How many cameras had been upgraded in total
  • Whether the review of provision on Fleet Road and Reading Road would be complete by October 2024
  • Where the Police now had to go to access CCTV footage and what the cost would be to install a terminal in Hart’s Civic Offices.


Members heard:

  • That the timescales for the analog lines replacement were still being chased with BT, although a quote for the work had been promised by the end of August 2024.
  • That it was correct that until the lines were upgraded that cameras could not be replaced with newer technology, although this did not mean that there was any lost service or that the cameras were not working.  All were in service and none of the analog lines led to cameras in critical locations.
  • That 11 cameras in total had been upgraded since the start of the programme, with two more on order at present. 
  • Whilst there had been notification from the Police that they would support the installation of additional cameras on Fleet Road and Reading Road, the data to meet the criteria for any installation had yet to be reviewed and any decision would be made dependent on the outcome of this review.  If any additional cameras were agreed, then it was possible that they could be ordered and installed within 3-4 weeks.
  • That the Police had a terminal at Rushmoor Borough Council’s offices in Farnborough.  The cost of installing a terminal at the Civic Offices in Fleet would be in the region of £2k for hardware plus cabling and installation costs.  This was unlikely to be progressed at present due to uncertainty over where the Police would be based in Fleet in future.


(Cllr Harward arrived at 7:09pm during this item)


Q1 Budget Monitoring Report and Forecast Outturn for 2024/25 – incorporating Treasury Activity pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To note the forecast outturn for the year against revenue and capital budgets using the latest actual position and assumptions based on best information, and consider any corrective action required.??Note treasury activity to date in line with the approved policy.


Additional documents:


This report gave the revenue and capital forecast outturn at the end of Q1 2024/25.  The Committee was asked to note the projected revenue outturn for 2024/25; note the forecast capital position for 2024/25; note the treasury management position at 30 June 2024; and note the request for an additional Housing Officer funded from EMR.


Members heard:

  • The forecast net revenue outturn was a surplus of £0.6m against budget
  • Capital expenditure was forecast to underspend by £0.08m
  • Savings and pressures that were evident in 2023/24’s outturn were continuing into 2024/25, such as interest on investments, employee costs, planning development income and waste income
  • Budgets had been adjusted in a number of areas
  • Employee costs were showing an underspend due to vacancies, but this was offset by agency spend to support vacancies and projects.
  • Supplies and services was showing an overspend due to the costs associated with the General Election, although election costs were reimbursed in the income category.
  • Income was higher than budgeted due in part to higher income from waste and recycling and an additional grant received for Housing Needs; however these were offset by a reduction in planning/building control income
  • Interest rates in Q1 had still been above 5% for investments, although it was to be noted that recent rates offered had dipped below 5%.  The finance team continued to actively manage treasury on a daily basis to maximise income.
  • That the proposed new Housing Officer would be working in the housing needs team, to rebuild capacity.  The Homelessness Prevention grant funding would be used to fund this post. 


Members queried:

  • Whether assumptions on interest rate levels were taken into consideration when producing the budget.  It was confirmed that they were
  • Whether there had been a significant increase in the use of car parks, given the increase in revenue, and if so whether this was by season ticket holders or other users?  The Finance Manager confirmed that this in part was due to fixed penalty notices but undertook to provide a complete written answer.
  • Why revised budgets were agreed, and any savings forecast were against revised budget figures instead of original budgets.  This was to allow departments to budget effectively, and it was noted that a list of all budget revisions had been included in the Agenda pack and that a balanced, fully funded budget was in place at all times.
  • Whether the proposed Housing Officer role would be involved in the work on Heathlands Court?  It was confirmed that this project was still in the feasibility study phase but that the project would be fully resourced if it were to go ahead.  This resourcing would be separate to the additional housing officer role, which would be put to Cabinet for consideration in September.
  • What the funding for roundabouts, listed as being on hold, was for and where?  The Finance Manager would provide a written response on this.

·       Whether the funding for the proposed Housing Officer included any work with Ukrainian guests and asylum seekers?  It was confirmed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.

Written Responses to Questions Raised pdf icon PDF 45 KB


Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman - Annual Review Letter 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report is for information only.

Additional documents:


Members of the Committee noted the annual complaints review from the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman for 2023/24.  The summary of complaints showed that Hart had 0% of complaints made to the Ombudsman escalated.


Members also noted that Hart was participating in the pilot programme for a revised code which was being launched in the next couple of months, and that an updated draft complaints policy was being brought to Overview & Scrutiny in September for discussion.


There were no questions.


Feedback from Service Panels pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To receive feedback from members on the three Service Panels

Additional documents:


Community – Cllr Butler

  • Advice had been given to 241 households, including 26 Ukrainian families
  • Installation of new parking machines was nearly complete and all continue to take cash as well as card
  • The Heathlands project was ongoing and an update would be brought to Overview & Scrutiny at a future meeting
  • There had been a Domestic Abuse Death Review, the first in Hart since 2014.  Officers and other partner organisations had taken part in this review.


Corporate – Cllr Farmer

  • Four areas were showing amber for progress
  • Digital strategy was working towards a finalised plan and a draft would be brought to Overview & Scrutiny at the September meeting
  • Roll out of the new HR/Payroll system was running a little behind schedule, as was the project to transition to the local government NJC pay scheme
  • The waste contract was showing an increased risk factor as there were a number of unknowns on waste and recycling, some of which were coming from central Government.  The current contract was negotiated some time ago and was in conjunction with Basingstoke and Deane and Serco.  The risk register had been kept up to date with the changes in the risk on this project.


It was noted that only Cllr Farmer and the S151 Officer had attended the Corporate Service Panel on this occasion.  Members were reminded that they were able to send a substitute from within Overview & Scrutiny.  Following discussion, it was agreed that attendance records for all Service Panel meetings would be kept by the lead officers and reported back to the Committee.  Cllr Forster made the request that any Councillor be allowed to attend Service Panel Meetings, and the Chair undertook to write to Cllr Forster on this issue as it had previously been agreed that this would not be appropriate.


Place – Cllr Jones

  • Well attended meeting, which had highlighted a busy quarter
  • Discussion held on local plan and NPPF, as well as solar panels in conservation areas.  It was noted that solar panels could be installed on a building on a wall not facing a road, footpath or path.  If the building was listed, then to install solar panels in the grounds would need both planning and listed building consent.  Cllr Highley, who had raised the issue, would liaise with the Chair of the DM Enforcement Committee, as there had been issues in his ward with people who had been refused an application going ahead with installations.
  • Enforcement of fly tipping was being progressed
  • Discussions were being held about how DM officers could help planning applications through first time
  • Risk assessment list was now all amber, and working on improving these where possible, although recruitment remained an issue for both the Environmental Health and DM teams.


MAFF Review by Working Group – Cllr Highley

  • Cllrs Butler, Harward and Highley form the working group
  • There was a need to be proactive but there were questions around whether the flood forum in its current guise was the best way forward
  • Cllr Highley was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Cabinet Work Programme pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider the Cabinet Work Programme.


The Cabinet Work Programme was noted.


Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider and amend the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme.


It was agreed to include the recommendations of the Chair for the highlighted items on Digital Strategy and Investment Proposals for Hart Leisure Centre on the Committee’s Work Programme.