Issue - meetings

Fleet Pond Green Corridor and Hartland Park Mitigation Works Update

Meeting: 01/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 79)


1.         To update Cabinet on expenditure and work completed to date on delivery of the Fleet Pond Green Corridor and Fleet Pond Mitigation Works for the Hartland Park Development.

2.         To obtain approval for additions/amendment to the programme budget.



That Cabinet notes the programme structure chart and budget allocations at Appendix A and approves the following amendments/additions to the programme budget:

a.    Inclusion of a £65k budget and release of earmarked reserves to deliver the Green Grid Ancillary Works.

b.    Increase of budget allocation from £150k- £255k and release of earmarked reserves to deliver A3013 Cove Road Crossing.

c.    Inclusion of a £178k budget and release of earmarked reserves for project management, promotion, professional fees and legal charges for the Fleet Pond Mitigation works.

d.    Inclusion of a £10k budget and release of earmarked reserves for Green Grid/digital and Interpretation.

e.    Inclusion of a £125k budget and release of earmarked reserves to deliver the Fleet Pond Mitigation Works Strategy.

f.     Earmarking of a £843k budget to fund implementation of the Fleet Pond Mitigation Works Strategy once this has been approved.


Additional documents:


This report was to update Cabinet on expenditure and work completed to date on delivery of the Fleet Pond Green Corridor and Fleet Pond Mitigation Works for the Hartland Park Development; and to obtain approval for additions/amendment to the programme budget.


Cabinet noted:


  • The update to the programme budget, including the increase in budget works for delivery of the Cove Road crossing
  • That a fully costed strategy for the next phase of the works will be brought back to Cabinet in the new year
  • The audit had been finished which showed that the project was completed on time and came in within budget
  • The apparent discrepancies in some of the figures included in the report spreadsheet; some of which appeared to show significant underspend.  A review of the figures, particularly the S106 figures, would be undertaken and a written update provided to Cabinet members.


Cabinet considered:


  • Whether the inclusion of “promotion” in the budget line for “professional and project fees” was an error; and also what the breakdown between internal and external was for the £178k spend.  These issues would be checked and a written response given to Cabinet members.
  • Whether LEP need to come back to check how we had spent the £1.4m grant we had received
  • Whether there was any data available yet to show the number of people using the area




Cabinet noted the programme structure chart and budget allocations at Appendix A and approved the following amendments/additions to the programme budget:

  1. Inclusion of a £65k budget and release of earmarked reserves to deliver the Green Grid Ancillary Works.
  2. Increase of budget allocation from £150k- £255k and release of earmarked reserves to deliver A3013 Cove Road Crossing.
  3. Inclusion of a £178k budget and release of earmarked reserves for project management, promotion, professional fees and legal charges for the Fleet Pond Mitigation works.
  4. Inclusion of a £10k budget and release of earmarked reserves for Green Grid/digital and Interpretation.
  5. Inclusion of a £125k budget and release of earmarked reserves to deliver the Fleet Pond Mitigation Works Strategy.
  6. Earmarking of a £843k budget to fund implementation of the Fleet Pond Mitigation Works Strategy once this has been approved.