Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/07/2022 - Development Management Committee (Item 18)


Additional documents:


Redevelopment of the site to provide 10 industrial units (14,122 sqm of floorspace for Flexible Use Class B2/B8/E(g)(i)-(iii)), together with associated parking, a new vehicular access off Griffin Way South, landscaping, and other associated works (following demolition of existing buildings)


DECISION – GRANT, subject to conditions, and in consultation with the Chairman and relevant Hook Ward Councillor on Planning Committee in respect of conditions, the Head of Place was delegated the authority to grant planning permission.


The Principal Planner summarised the application as follows:


Redevelopment of the site to provide 10 industrial units (14,122 sqm of floorspace for Flexible Use Class B2/B8/E(g)(i)-(iii)), together with associated parking, a new vehicular access off Griffin Way South, landscaping, and other associated works (following demolition of existing buildings)


Members considered the application and asked the following questions:

·       The possibility of removing Use Class B2 from the application.

·       The description on the amended plan consultation letter that was sent to the Parish Council in April was discussed.

·       Why the number of industrial units had changed from nine to 10 and noting the removal of the retail unit (food store) from the scheme to bring the proposal in line with policy

·       How noise impact assessments and suitability for siting in residential areas differed between Use Classes B1 and B2.

·       The time of year that the noise assessment for this application was undertaken as leaves on trees can change noise levels.

·       The sort of activity that could be happening on the site late at night.

·       Whether there were delivery restriction conditions on the lease and if any could be issued by the landowner.


Members debated:

·       How B2 class is not specifically mentioned in the description on the response from Highways England

·       More detailed discussion was needed relating to the Use classes.

·       Hours of operation and usage would need careful control via condition

·       Impact on the current residential area and residential occupiers in the future.

·       The merits in taking the application away for further discussion

·       Possible noise and air pollution that could occur because of the

application being granted.

·       Night-time activities at the site need to be properly defined and


·       Possible local employment opportunities the application may bring.

·       The possibility of removing permitted development conditions.

·       The lack of Section 106 contributions for this application.


A Member highlighted the importance of documentation and several typos in reports, and this was asked to be noted.


Councillor Smith addressed Members in his capacity as Ward Councillor for Hook and reiterated points of concern including neighbouring amenity, use class and consultation document descriptions.


Members undertook a recorded vote to Grant, subject to the conditions specified in the agenda which was not carried. The results were:


For: none

Against: Councillors Butler, Cockarill, Dorn, Kennett, Makepeace-Browne, Quarterman, Southern, Wildsmith and Worlock.

Abstention: Councillor Blewett.

Members undertook a second recorded vote for the recommendation to Grant, subject to conditions, and a referral to the Chairman and the relevant Hook Ward Councillor on Planning Committee, to review and agree the specific conditions. Delegated authority granted to the Head of Place to issue the permission once the conditions were agreed with the Chairman and relevant Ward Councillor. 


Members voted unanimously for this second recommendation and the motion to Grant was carried. 


DECISION – GRANT, subject to conditions, and in consultation with the Chairman and relevant Hook Ward Councillor on Planning Committee in respect of conditions, the Head of Place was delegated the authority to grant planning permission.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18