Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 76)


To consider the emerging budget for 2022/23 and the draft Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in line with the timetable set out in the Overview and Scrutiny meeting of the 17August 2021 and to approve the recommendations below.




1.    That the revised MTFS including Level One savings as shown at paragraph 3.4 is noted.


2.    The Level Two business cases contained in Appendix One are discussed and approval provided for implementation.


3.    The MTFS including Level One and Two savings shown at paragraph 6.4 is noted.


4.    The detailed timetable for 2022/23 budget setting be approved.


5.    Recruitment Management as detailed in paragraph 5.4 is agreed.


Appendix One is exempt from publication

Additional documents:


That Cabinet agreed to implement with immediate effect:

1      The revised MTFS including Level One savings as shown at paragraph 3.4 are noted.


2      The Level Two business cases contained in Appendix One were discussed and agreed.


3      The MTFS including Level One and Two savings shown at paragraph 6.4 are noted.


4      The detailed timetable for 2022/23 budget setting approved.


5      Recruitment to vacant posts will only be made with relevant portfolio-holder consultation and be reported as part of the quarterly budget monitoring process.


Appendix One is exempt from publication


Cabinet considered the emerging budget for 2022/23 and the draft Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in line with the timetable set out in the Overview and Scrutiny meeting of 17August 2021.


The Government settlement promised had not yet been secured at this time and is expected by the end of the year.  Spending power on average is increasing across local Government and it looks like we will have up to a 2% full referendum council tax cap on district councils.  There is 3% indexation with a 3% increase for all contracts and salary increases have been factored into the figures.


Members asked what schemes were in place to enhance climate change, and were advised that policies and procedures were already in place to allow incentives to use sustainable travel with cycle to work schemes and the use of EVs as well as rates in place to encourage car share for working towards decreasing decarbonisation.  Members considered the Member’s IT allowance being replaced with IT equipment supplied and the advantages of this implementation.




That Cabinet agreed to implement with immediate effect:

1      The revised MTFS including Level One savings as shown at paragraph 3.4 are noted.


2      The Level Two business cases contained in Appendix One were discussed and agreed.


3      The MTFS including Level One and Two savings shown at paragraph 6.4 are noted.


4      The detailed timetable for 2022/23 budget setting approved.


5      Recruitment to vacant posts will only be made with relevant portfolio-holder consultation and be reported as part of the quarterly budget monitoring process.


Appendix One is exempt from publication