Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Committee Services
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 84 KB The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2024 to be confirmed and signed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of 16 October 2024 were proposed by Cllr Worlock and seconded by Cllr Oliver and confirmed and signed as a correct record of the proceedings. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent. Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Quarterman and Wildsmith.
Cllr Bailey attended the meeting as a substitute for Cllr Quarterman. |
Declarations of Interest To declare disclosable pecuniary, and any other, interests*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare. Minutes: Cllr Worlock declared a non-prejudiciial interest in planning applications 23/02094/FUL and 23/02095/FUL (land east of Hook Road, North Warnborough) for the reason that she was a Trustee of Robert Mays School and the potential connection with the Section 106 contributions to education. |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Chair referred to the Addendum report and that the agenda item on planning application 24/00699/FUL (1 Beacon Hill Road, Ewshot) had been removed from the Committee agenda at the applicant’s request. The application is likely to be considered at a future Development Management Committee.
The Committee was advised that the agenda items on planning applications 23/02094/FUL and 23/02095/FUL (land east of Hook Road, North Warnborough) would be taken together in respect of presentations, public speaking and debate, however there would be a separate vote on each planning application.
Development Applications PDF 196 KB To consider the planning reports from the Executive Director, Place, and to accept updates via the Addendum. Additional documents:
Minutes: The development management report from the Executive Director – Place was considered and the updates via the addendum report were accepted by the Committee.
As advised by the Chair earlier in the meeting, the two planning applications for land to the east of Hook Road, North Warnborough (23/02094/FUL and 23/02095/FUL) formed part of the same site allocated in the Odiham and North Warnborough Neighbourhood Plan and would be taken together in respect of officer presentations, public speaking and the Committee’s debate. A separate vote would be taken on each planning application.
Planning Applications 23/02094/FUL and 23/02095 – Land east of Hook Road, North Warnborough
The Senior Planner summarised application nos. 23/02094/FUL (for the erection of 13 dwellings with associated access, parking, affordable housing, public open space, SUDs and landscaping) and 23/02095/FUL (for the erection of 9 dwellings with associated access, parking, affordable housing, public open space, SUDs and landscaping).
As set out in the Addendum report, following the publication of the agenda, Officers had continued to work with the applicant to clarify the matters which would be secured as developer contributions. As a result, the applicant had now agreed to a package of measures to be secured by two separate Section 106 legal agreements (as set out in the Addendum). The precise split of the terms between the two legal agreements would be determined at the detailed drafting stage.
The Senior Planner also advised the Committee of two additional compliance conditions (Condition 20 (North) and Condition 20 (South)) in relation to protected species for both sites.
Members questioned the Senior Planner on:
· why the two applications had not been submitted as one application · whether there was a legal mechanism to link the two separate Section 106 legal agreements to ensure all the measures were brought to fruition in their entirety · whether the parking concerns previously voiced by Odiham Parish Council had been resolved and whether they complied with the Cycle and Car Parking Supplementary Planning Document · whether the open space to the north of the stream would be protected as public open space · whether mitigation measures had been made for potential flooding from the canal onto the site · clarification of the actual figure for the education element of the Section 106 legal agreement, as set out in the Addendum report.
In response, the Committee was advised that:
· both planning applications had to be determined as submitted by the applicant, however, when officers had looked at the planning issues and the cumulative impacts these had been considered as one site · the revised recommendation for the planning applications included delegated authority to the Executive Director – Place to consider the precise split of measures in the Section 106 legal agreements to ensure that the units were delivered at both sites. This would also include elements of affordable homes, education, Parish Council financial contributions, Basingstoke Canal financial contributions, indexation and an administration and monitoring charge · there was no legal mechanism to link the two Section 106 legal agreements · the submitted flood risk assessment ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
24/00699/FUL - 1 Beacon Hill Road, Ewshot PDF 206 KB Minutes: This item had been withdrawn from the agenda at the applicant’s request.
Tree Preservation Order - ORD-24/00004 - 135 Aldershot Road, Fleet PDF 375 KB To consider the report of the Arboricultural Officer in respect of Tree Preservation Order ORD-24/00004 at 135 Aldershot Road, Fleet.
The Committee is asked to confirm the Tree Preservation Order ORD-24/00004 with modifications. Minutes: The Senior Tree Officer summarised the proposed modifications to Tree Preservation Order (TPO) ORD-24/00004 at 135 Aldershot Road, Fleet. Details were also given of objections and other representations received and the response to these objections and reasons justifying the confirmation of the TPO with modifications.
Members questioned the Senior Tree Officer on:
· whether the dotted lines shown on the TPO plan represented the limits of what land could be developed; and · whether the trees listed were all of a reasonable size or if the list included any trees at scrub level.
The Committee was advised that:
· a TPO did not prevent development, however it was part of the determination of a planning application to consider any relevant TPOs and to work out what the impact of a planning application would be. · The trees listed in the TPO included all sizes as a TPO would cover current and future trees.
The revised recommendation as set out in the Addendum report) was proposed by the Chairman (Cllr Cockarill) and seconded by Cllr Radley. The recommendation was agreed unanimously.
The Committee Resolved:
That the Tree Preservation Order ORD-24/00004 be Confirmed with modifications to only include trees in two Group designations G1 and G2, as shown and listed on the Modified Order plan and schedule.
Local validation requirements for planning applications PDF 68 KB The Committee is asked to approve the Local Validation List of requirements for planning applications (as set out in Appendices A & B) for public consultation.
The Development Management Committee is asked to:
· approve the Local Validation List, as set out in Appendices A & B, for public consultation, and
· grant delegated power to the Executive Director – Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Development Management and the Chair of the Development Management Committee, to confirm the adoption following the expiry of the consultation period. If, in his judgement, the content of the list needs to be changed in the light of the consultation, he may use his discretion to decide whether to refer the matter back for further consideration by the Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Business Development Manager summarised the report which proposed the adoption of a Local List of Validation Requirements for planning applications to be the subject of a consultation exercise with stakeholders (including developers and planning agents), following a comprehensive review by officers. The report set out the main changes to the Local List of Validation Requirements. A public consultation exercise would be carried out over a seven-week period to commence at the end of November and would continue into early January 2025. Consultation would take place with statutory and non-statutory consultees, including Parish and Town Councils.
The Committee was advised that it was also proposed to add the following wording to both the General and Householder Lists (as set out in the Addendum report):
“All new single air-source heat pumps within a defined settlement must have a completed MCS Calculation.
All new multiple air-source heat pumps within a defined settlement must have a BS 4142:2014-compliant Noise Impact Assessment.”
Members raised the following issues:
· prescribed information requirements which were not relevant to the planning application · prescribed information requirements relating to very old Tree Preservation Orders, where the trees no longer existed · why the Foul Sewage/Surface Water and Utilities Assessment had been removed · the use of metric units and a scale bar and coloured in drawings · the possible inclusion of a contaminated land assessment · the possible inclusion of a scaled drawing in the parking statement/plan · a tree survey (Conservation Areas) should only apply to trees meeting Conservation Area threshold (7.5cm diameter at 1.5m height) and exclude overgrown bushes or, alternatively, use the British Standard · the need for the inclusion of a climate mitigation statement to demonstrate the proposal’s compliance with the Declaration of a Climate Emergency
In response, the Committee was advised that:
· information on Foul Sewage/Surface Water and Utilities Assessment was not necessary at the point of application submission · “Plans – General Notes” would be amended to read “a recognised metric scale and scale bar” · the current standard for trees in terms of impact assessment was due to be revised (Conservation Area), however it was accepted that the British Standard could be used · a climate mitigation statement could be added to apply to all new homes with the detail delegated to officers to agree.
With the addition of the Committee’s points outlined above and the wording set out in the Addendum report, the recommendations were proposed by the Chairman (Cllr Cockarill) and seconded by Cllr Worlock and agreed unanimously.
The Committee Resolved to:
Agree that the Local Validation List, as set out in Appendices A and B to the Committee report and amended in the Addendum and at the meeting, be Approved for public consultation, and
Delegate power to the Executive Director – Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy & Development Management and the Chair of the Development Management Committee, to confirm their adoption following the expiry of the consultation period. If in their judgement the content of the Local List needed to be changed in ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |