Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Committee Services
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 86 KB The minutes of the meeting of 10 September 2024 are attached to be confirmed and signed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of 10 September 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Proposed by Cllr Butler; Seconded by Cllr Highley; unanimously agreed by all those in attendance at the September meeting. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent. Minutes: No apologies for absence had been received. |
Declarations of Interest To declare disclosable, pecuniary and any other interests*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Chair had no announcements. |
Public Participation (Items Pertaining to the Agenda) Anyone wishing to make a statement to the Committee should contact Committee Services at least two clear working days prior to the meeting. Further information can be found online.
Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Half-yearly Complaints Analysis PDF 135 KB To analyse and review the number and type of complaints received by the Council for the previous period.
Additional documents: Minutes: The half-yearly complaints analysis was outlined for Q1 and Q2 2023-24.
Members heard:
Members discussed the following areas:
Mr Bennett was thanked for his helpful report, which was noted. |
Written Answer to Questions from Members |
Council Risk Register October 2024 (Half-yearly review) PDF 81 KB The Council maintains a risk register which is revised by management on a regular basis. It is reported to both the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet every 6 months to provide assurance that appropriate arrangements are in place to mitigate the risks identified. Recommendation Overview and Scrutiny Committee is requested to consider the report and pass any comments to Cabinet Cabinet will be requested to note the risk register report and confirm risks are within tolerance and no remediation plans are required.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Director, Corporate introduced the Council Risk Register explaining that it was revised by management on a regular basis, and that the O&S Committee role was to review and provide assurance that appropriate arrangements wer in place to mitigate the risks identified. The Committee was being asked to consider the report and pass comments to Cabinet.
Members discussed the following:
In conclusion, members of the Committee agreed to pass on to Cabinet the comment as above:
“Why the risk rating of the proposed changes to the planning system item risk had significantly reduced from the previous level in April 2024, particularly in the light of the NPPF changes. Members of the Committee requested that Cabinet specifically reviewed this risk and asked for an explanation from the Executive Director, Place” |
Crime and Disorder Joint Committee Update To receive feedback from members on the recent Crime and Disorder Joint Committee. Minutes: Cllrs Butler and Vernon, who were both on the Crime and Disorder Joint Committee, gave an update on the meeting held on 9 September 2024.
Members heard:
However, both Cllrs Butler and Vernon felt that whilst the meeting was useful, there was a significant amount of information shared that it was sometimes overwhelming for Councillors, and that therefore it should possibly be more focussed on highlights during the year, differences that had been made to individuals’ lives (including case studies), a breakdown of data about levels of crime across the different Authorities’ areas and a separate question and answer session for the two District Commanders.
These comments would be passed onto the Community Safety Manager for discussion with the other Authorities.
Both Cllr Butler and Cllr Vernon were thanked for their observations and report on the meeting. |
This report sets out proposals to extend the current joint waste collection contract with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council (BDBC) and Serco from October 2025. The report also sets out the proposal for Hart District Council (HDC) to deploy a mandatory weekly food waste collection service from October 2025, ahead of the Government statutory date of 31 March 2026. Both proposals are key decisions given their scope and scale, and the associated cost implications required for approval are included under the ‘Finance and Resource Implications’ section of this report. Recommendation Overview and Scrutiny Committee is requested to consider the report and pass any comments to Cabinet.
Minutes: This report sets out proposals to extend the current joint waste collection contract with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council (BDBC) and Serco from October 2025. The report also set out the proposal for Hart District Council (HDC) to deploy a mandatory weekly food waste collection service from October 2025, ahead of the Government statutory date of 31 March 2026.
Members heard a summary from the S151 Officer which covered the following topics:
Members discussed the following areas:
In conclusion, the Committee were supportive of the proposed approach and had no specific comments to pass to Cabinet. Arrangements for a member briefing on the introduction of food waste collections would be made with the client team at BDBC in due course,. |
Cabinet Work Programme PDF 123 KB To consider the Cabinet Work Programme. Minutes: The Cabinet Work Programme was noted.
It was agreed that Overview and Scrutiny would like to add an item to their own work programme for their November meeting, to consider the report reviewing the performance of the Development Management Committee, before it was presented to the December Cabinet meeting. |
Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 97 KB To consider and amend the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme. Minutes: Members noted that the Fly-Tipping options appraisal item highlighted in the Work Programme would now be reviewed by the Committee in November 2024. This change was agreed. |