Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Committee Services
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN To elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among the councillors.
Minutes: Councillor Cockarill was elected as Chairman and Councillor Ambler was elected as Vice Chairman. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 97 KB The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2019 are attached to be confirmed and signed as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on?18 February 2019?were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent. Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillors Wheale and Worlock, substituted by Councillor Quarterman. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To declare disclosable pecuniary, and any other, interests*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare. Minutes: None |
DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS To accept updates via the Addendum and to consider the planning report/schedule from the Head of Place. Minutes: Members accepted updates via the Addendum and considered the planning report from the Head of Place. |
20/01885/REM - HARTLAND PARK BRAMSHOT LANE FLEET PDF 1 MB Minutes: Members considered the application for approval of reserved matters relating to 132 dwellings (Phase 2) with associated works pursuant to approval of outline permission via Hybrid Planning Application?17/00471/OUT.??
The Planning Manager outlined the plans and clarified some points on the sustainable transport strategy, elevations and street scenes and cycle paths, especially to key destinations.
Members discussed:
· Parking provision · Cycle routes · Universal strategies to encourage the move away from car usage · Incentivisation of other transport modes, eg cycling, walking, shuttle bus to station etc · The offer from St Edwards to monitor parking in order to inform future discussions and phase applications · Street scenes and elevations of apartment buildings · That there would be opportunities for further discussions as future phases of the development came forward
DECISION? ? That the Head of Place be authorised to?GRANT?planning permission subject to the following conditions:? ? CONDITIONS? ? 1?The development for phase 2 hereby approved?shall be begun before?the expiration of three years from the date of this planning permission? ? REASON: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and to prevent an accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.? ? 2The development hereby permitted shall be fully implemented in accordance with the following plans/documents (including any mitigation/enhancement recommended therein):
Site wide: 2820-A-1000 Rev. PL-B (Site Location Plan), 2820-A-1005 Rev. PL-E x 2 (B/W & Colour Site Layout) 2820-A-1700 Rev. PL-D (Refuse Strategy Plan) 2820-A-1701 Rev. PL-D (Parking Allocation Plan), 2820-A-1702 Rev. PL-D (Tenure Distribution Plan) 2820-A-1703 Rev. PL-D (Boundary Treatment Plan) 2820-A-1704 Rev. PL-D (Site Levels Plan) 2820-A-1705 Rev. PL-D (Materials Distribution Plan)
Houses: 2820-C-3011 Rev. PL-C (Plots 62-63 – Hazel Semi – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3012 Rev.PL-C (Plots 61– Hazel Detached – Floorplan/Elevations)
2820-C-3020 Rev.PL-D (Plots 15-16, 24-25,48-49,50-51, 99-100 – Rockport Semi – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3021 Rev.PL-C (Plots 10-11, 28-29, 54-55, 77-78, 79-80 – Rockport Semi – - 5 -
Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3023 Rev.PL-C (Plots 39-40, 85-86 – Rockport Semi – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3024 Rev.PL-C (Plots 3-5, 21-23, 66-68, 71-73, 82-84 – Rockport x3 – Floorplans/Elevations)
2820-C-3031 Rev.PL-B (Plots 6-7, 8-9, 26-27 – Rowan Semi – Floorplans/Elevations)
2820-C-3040 Rev.PL-C (Plots 13-14, 33-34, 58-59 – Lavender Semi –Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3041 Rev.PL-C (Plots 17-18, 74-75 – Lavender Semi – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3042 Rev.PL-B (Plots 31-32, 56-57, 64-65 – Lavender Semi – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3043 Rev.PL-D (Plots 41, 76 – Lavender Detached – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3044 Rev.PL-C (Plot 30 – Lavender Detached – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3045 Rev.PL-C (Plots 12, 60 – Lavender - SE Detached – Floorplans/Elevations)
2820-C-3050 Rev.PL-C (Plots 45-47 – Goldfinch x3 – Floorplans/Elevations)
2820-A-3062 Rev.PL-C (Plots 35-36, 37-38 – Denbigh Semi x2 – Floorplans) 2820-C-3063 Rev. PL-D (Plots 35-36, 37-38 – Denbigh Semi x2 – Elevations)
2820-C-3125 Rev.PL-C (Plots 42-44.-Herrington x3 – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3126 Rev.PL-C (Plots 52-53, 69-70.-Herrington Semi – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3127 Rev. PL-D (Plots 19-20, 97-98.-Herrington + Herrington -SE – Floorplans/ Elevations) 2820-C-3128 Rev. PL-D (Plot 81.-Herrington Detached – Floorplans/Elevations) 2820-C-3130 Rev. PL-A (Plots 1-2– Turret + Hazel – Floorplans/Elevations)
2820-A-3200 Rev.PL-C (Plots 121-132 – Block A – Floorplans) 2820-C-3201 Rev.PL-C (Plots 121-132 – Block A ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |