Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Helen Vincent
No. | Item |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2020 are attached to be confirmed and signed as a correct record. This item to follow. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2020 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent. Minutes: No apologies received. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To declare disposable pecuniary, and any other, interests*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare. Minutes: None declared. |
CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes: Councillor Wildmsith asked that the staff be thanked for their hard work over the last year. He appreciated the work of the staff in difficult times, and especially as many were working outside of their usual role, eg delivering food to vulnerable residents. Members supported his sentiments. |
REVIEW OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE SETTING PDF 261 KB To review the 2020/21 performance objectives for the Joint Chief Executives and to consider the performance objectives for the Joint Chief Executives for 2021/22.
The objectives are used as a basis of evaluation of the Joint Chief Executives’ performance. Minutes: The Committee considered the 2020/21 performance objectives for the Joint Chief Executives and the performance objectives for the Joint Chief Executives for 2021/22. The objectives would be used as a basis of evaluation of the Joint Chief Executives’ performance.
Members acknowledged the different roles that the Joint Chief Executives had had to undertake this year, as well as ensuring the Council continued to meet its statutory duties, and the work that would need to be done in moving forward in the recovery from the pandemic.
A discussion on staff welfare included different working conditions, enabling staff to work effectively from home with the right tools, social isolation, team activities and staff surveys. Feedback on staff surveys had been circulated, and the Joint Chief Executive agreed that this information would be resent to Members.
The performance objectives as set out be confirmed for the Joint Chief Executives for the coming year. |
To seek approval to the Council’s Pay Policy for 2021/22.
Further to the request at Staffing Committee in February 2020, a benchmarking comparison of over time rates, against other Councils, has been included. Additional documents: Minutes: Approval was sought for the Council’s Pay Policy for 2021/22. Further to the request at Staffing Committee in February 2020, a benchmarking comparison of over time rates against other Councils had been included.
Members considered:
• National pay negotiation and the possibility of rises. It was agreed this was a sensitive topic in light of the issues with the economy as a result of the pandemic. • ‘Insourcings’ and the forecast reduction in the staffing bill • The median remuneration
A vote was taken, and the recommendation was carried.
1 That the Pay Policy 2021/2022, be approved.
2 That no change be made to the current overtime system; however, it is recommended that staff are reminded that they must always receive prior-written authorisation from their line manager, for any overtime worked.
3 That the delay of the review of Market Supplements be noted, due to the pandemic. The outcome of this review will be reported to the next Staffing Committee.
4 That the staff numbers and vacancies provided are noted. |