Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Committee Services
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 101 KB The minutes of the meeting of 12 November 2024 are attached to be confirmed and signed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of 12 November 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.
The Chair outlined a matter arising under Minute 69 in relation to a request for the Committee to add an item to the work programme relating to Freedom of Information (FoI) performance. The Chair referred to the briefing note circulated prior to the meeting (attached as Appendix 1) adding that she had completed a review.
The Chair confirmed that she did not believe that there were issues of substance that required a further review. Therefore, the Chair had decided that the matter should not be added to the Committee’s work programme.
The Chief Executive thanked the Committee for allowing the officers a fair right of reply as it gave the officers the opportunity to set the record straight.
The Chair then made a statement principally about process. The Chair addressed: · a delay in provision of the data referred to the previous meeting · the inappropriate manner of raising a matter at Committee without warning or in an open and transparent manner · not following the Constitution and applicable law · the inappropriate use of a privileged platform that created a sense of unfairness. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent. Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillor Davies. |
Declarations of Interest To declare disclosable, pecuniary and any other interests*.
*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare. Minutes: No declarations made. |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman announced that the Heathlands Court item would not be considered at this meeting and further explanation would be given under the O&S work programme item. |
Public Participation (Items Pertaining to the Agenda) Anyone wishing to make a statement to the Committee should contact Committee Services at least two clear working days prior to the meeting. Further information can be found online.
Minutes: None. |
Climate Change Update - progress against the Climate Change Action Plan PDF 93 KB To update on progress against the climate change action plan and make comments to Cabinet. This report makes recommendations for the next set of priorities to support the delivery of the action plan.
The climate change programme update is reviewed, and any comments and observations are passed to Cabinet. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Corporate Services - Councillor Quarterman introduced the report.
Members were advised that good progress had been made against the action plan and project activities. Significant external funding had been secured to help the support the delivery of the projects. An additional funding request would be submitted to Cabinet in January for consideration. This report did not include an update on carbon emissions, as this was an annual calculation and will be included in the summer update.
Members queried: · The total cost of achieving carbon neutrality for HDC and for the wider district · What success has been made in securing external funding · Whether projects would be reprioritised if funding is unable to be secured · Why the renewal of the renewable energy contract is rated as no risk · Why some projects had a red flag but no associated explanatory commentary
Members were advised: · Feasibility studies for works to council buildings are improving the accuracy of decarbonisation costs · Wider district costs are dependent on how much the district invests and will become clearer as we move forward · Many factors such as external funding are outside of our control · Two applications for external funding had been successful · Many projects are reliant on officer time rather than external funding · Provisional costs for the electricity renewal are within current budget allocations and so were assessed as no risk at this stage · Red flag projects with no associated commentary have not started yet, a commentary will now be added. |
Hart Local Plan (Strategy & Sites) 2032 Assessment PDF 122 KB Members to receive and consider the assessment and to submit its comments to Cabinet on whether the adopted Hart Local Plan (Strategy & Sites) 2032 needs updating, and what the next steps should be.
That Overview and Scrutiny Committee provides comments to Cabinet, which will be asked to consider the following recommendations:
1) to approve the summary of the local plan assessment at Appendix 1, which concludes that work should start on a new local plan, and 2) that Cabinet agrees the Planning Policy & Economic Development team should commence preparatory work for a new local plan, as set out in paragraph 13.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Development Management and Planning Policy - Councillor Oliver introduced the report.
Members were advised:
· it is a legal requirement to review the Local Plan every five years to make sure it is fit for purpose · the current plan was adopted in April 2020, a review of the plan must be published by 2025 · this paper starts off the process and gives an early indication of whether significant work will be necessary and what funding may be necessary to achieve this · it does not consider the new methodology for working out housing numbers or the National Planning Policy Framework · the next stage will be the development of a Project Initiation Document · £1M has been allocated in the budget with additional funds in Earmarked Reserves to conduct the early scoping work.
Members discussed:
· the report and welcomed the early project planning and allocation of funding to enable a smooth process · the purchase of new software · the countrywide recruitment and retention issues within planning and the need for contingency planning and risk mitigation · the impact of a new plan making system · the need for realistic timescales · requested that O&S be regularly updated on progress. |
Authority Monitoring Report 2023/24 PDF 85 KB To consider the draft Authority Monitoring Report for 2023/24 prior to its publication. Recommendation That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee note and comment on the draft Authority \monitoring Report 2023/24 at Appendix 1. Additional documents: Minutes: Members received the Authority Monitoring Report for 2023/24.
Members were informed that from next year the report may look different considering potential government changes.
Members queried the lack of commentary on the housing delivery test and the housing land supply section. It was agreed that this would be reflected on by officers prior to publication.
Members discussed the technical and political challenges that may arise from new government housing targets.
Flood Forum Task and Finish Group PDF 108 KB To consider the report from the Mult-Agency Flood Forum Task and Finish Group. Minutes: The Chair thanked the Members of the Task and Finish Group (Cllrs Butler, Harward and Highley) for their excellent report.
Cllr Highley informed Members of the approach taken and the purpose of the review which was to advise whether the Multi-Agency Flood Forum (MAFF) should be continued or be discontinued.
Recommendations had been made in the following areas; the purpose of the MAFF, leadership and agenda setting, terms of reference, attendees, frequency, monitoring of schemes, work stream/work programme
All parties have agreed that MAFF historically has not been as effective as it could be for the reasons outlined in this document. The overall view was that MAFF should continue but only if it operates to a new approach and commitment from all key parties. The Task and Finish Group’s recommendation therefore takes the approach of giving a further 12 months opportunity for the forum to work.
The Committee agreed that the recommendations would be submitted to Cabinet. |
Cabinet Work Programme PDF 119 KB To consider the Cabinet Work Programme. Minutes:
The Chair agreed to discuss the inclusion of the Flood Forum Task and Finish Group report in the cabinet work programme with the Leader of the Council. The Cabinet Work Programme was noted. |
Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 85 KB To consider and amend the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme. Minutes: Members noted:
· Biodiversity Net Gain – Habitat Bank Creation would be reviewed in January 2025 · Housing Allocation Policy would now be reviewed by Committee in February 2025 · Traveller Transit and temporary Stopping Places Task and Finish Group would now be reviewed in February 2025 · Heathlands Court Remodelling will be considered at a later date to be agreed · The scheduled presentation by Citizens Advice Hart will no longer take place in April as they gave a full presentation at November’s Council meeting.
These changes were agreed. |