Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday 26 September 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Committee Services 

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 25 July 2024.


The Minutes of the meeting of 25 July 2024 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Proposed by: Cllr Dorn; Seconded by Cllr Woods; unanimously agreed by those present at the July meeting.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from Members*.


*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they will be absent.


Apologies were received from Cllrs Butler and Delaney. 


Declarations of Interest

To declare disclosable pecuniary, and any other interests*.


*Note: Members are asked to email Committee Services in advance of the meeting as soon as they become aware they may have an interest to declare.


No declarations were made.


Council Procedure Rule 12 - Questions by the Public

To receive any questions from members of the public submitted pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 12.


Note:  The text of any question under Council Procedure Rule 12 must be given to the Chief Executive (email no later than Noon on Friday, 20 September.


A question had been received from Chris Harvey. Chris Harvey could not attend the meeting so the Chairman asked the question on their behalf, detailed in Appendix A.


The response from the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Climate Change is also detailed in Appendix A.

Questions from Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 50 KB


Council Procedure Rule 14 - Questions by Members

To receive any questions from Members submitted pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 14.


Note: The text of any question under the Council Procedure Rule 14.3 must be given to the Chief Executive (email not later than 5.00pm on Monday 23 September.


The text of any question under Council Procedure Rule 14.4 must be submitted to the Chief Executive before 10.00am on Monday 23 September.


No questions had been received


Chair's Announcements


The Chair announced that he had undertaken a range of engagements:

16 August              Hartland Men's Shed Opening BBQ

16 August                Odiham Art Group Private View

5 September           RAF Odiham Annual Reception - Vice Chairman                                     attended on behalf of the Chairman


Cabinet Members' Announcements


The Leader of the Council, and Portfolio Holder for Strategic Direction, and Partnerships, Cllr Neighbour  reported on the next phase of ecological improvements for Fleet Pond with the target to deliver a suite of costed ecological enhancement projects and management changes at Fleet Pond Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and potentially beyond the site, to improve the biodiversity and resilience of the site.


There was to be the creation of an enhanced habitat at Whitewater Meadows which would include creating wetland features, increasing the accessibility of the existing paths, and tree and hedgerow planting. This work would form the foundation of habitat improvements for biodiversity net gain (BNG) units and Hart’s future Habitat Bank.


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Cllr Radley had nothing to report at this point in the year.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Cllr Bailey reported that the council held its first job fair on 4 September in collaboration with JobCentre Plus. The event was a huge success, with 225 people attending despite the dreadful weather. 32 employers, support organisations and voluntary groups were there and have shared lots of positive feedback, Such was the success, another event will be scheduled for Spring next year.


Last week the Council launched a Winter Cost of Living grant, with awards of up to £5,000 available for organisations supporting vulnerable people and those in need during the winter months. There has already been a lot of interest, some from organisations that haven't reached out to us before which is a good sign the promotions are working well. The application window closes on 14 October.


There is also an Armed Forces Community Grant to be launched later in October , where grants of up to £4,000 will be made available to organisations that support those with a military background, or cadets. A total of £25,000 is being made available and more details will follow prior to the launch on 21 October. 


Finally we are also holding a Low Cost Home Ownership drop in event on 8 October, at the Harlington Centre. This is aimed at anyone wanting to get onto the housing ladder, including older people, as we have some shared ownership dedicated for over 55s. There will be free advice from solicitors and financial advisors and we ask Members to encourage residents to attend.


Cllr Bailey expressed his thanks to community team for drop in event and hopefully found useful.


The Portfolio Holder for Digital and Communications, Cllr Clarke had nothing to report.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Development Management, Cllr Oliver advised that the Council’s response to the Government’s consultation on the proposed Planning Reforms was submitted on 24 September and was available on the website together with a covering letter detailing our objections and concerns to the proposals. I don’t intend to detail them today but in summary their new standard methodology for calculating district housing numbers based on affordability will do nothing to suppress house prices or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Chief Executive's Announcements


The Chief Executive had nothing to report.


Minutes of Committees pdf icon PDF 87 KB

The Minutes of the following Committees, which met on the dates shown, are submitted.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.1, Members are allowed to put questions at Council without Notice in respect of any matters in the Minutes to the Leader of the Council or any Chairman of the relevant meeting at the time those Minutes are received by Council.





Page Numbers 

For Decision 

Cabinet (draft) 

5 September 2024 



Overview and Scrutiny 

13 August 2024 



Overview and Scrutiny (draft) 

10 September 2024 



Audit (draft) 

23 July 2024 

 30 - 34


Development Management (draft) 

17 July 2024 

 35 - 39



15 August 2024 

 40 - 41

Minute 8 – Dealing with Allegations Procedure.

The Committee recommends to Council to adopt the refreshed Section 28(6) Arrangements for dealing with Allegations with one amendment as follows: That the wording on Page 5, in section 2, be amended to say “against an a person acting in the capacity as a District councillor” so that it was clearer for all involved.   

Item 5 - Dealing with allegations procedure


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the following Committees, which met on the dates shown, were received by Council.






Cabinet (draft) 

5 September 2024 

Overview and Scrutiny 

13 August 2024 

Overview and Scrutiny (draft) 

10 September 2024 

Audit (draft) 

23 July 2024 

Development Management (draft) 

17 July 2024 

Standards (draft)

15 August 2024 


Minute 8 – Dealing with Allegations Procedure. The Committee recommends to Council to adopt the refreshed Section 28(6) Arrangements for dealing with Allegations with one amendment as follows: That the wording on Page 5, in section 2, be amended to say “against a person acting in the capacity as a District councillor” so that it was clearer for all involved. 


Council considered and agreed this.


Proposed by Cllr Neighbour; Seconded by Cllr Worlock; unanimously agreed.


It was noted that the vacancy for one or two Independent persons had not yet been filled but that cover was being provided through an agreement with Rushmoor Borough Council.  It was anticipated an advert would be published shortly.


Motion to Council

The following motion has been proposed by Councillor Crampton.


This Council regrets the decision taken by the Labour Government to end universal winter fuel payments which could push up to 17,992 people in Hart into fuel poverty. We call upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Chancellor urging a review of the decision to restrict eligibility to those in receipt of pension credit and other benefits. This is to ensure vulnerable pensioners, particularly those that do not claim pension credit are protected from financial hardship.

Council notes that many eligible for credits do not claim them and will lose winter fuel payments as a result. Therefore, we resolve to undertake an awareness campaign to encourage residents in Hart to check their eligibility. This includes the use of social media and the local press."



The following motion was proposed and moved by Cllr Crampton and seconded by Cllr Farmer. 


This Council regrets the decision taken by the Labour Government to end universal winter fuel payments which could push up to 17,992 people in Hart into fuel poverty.


We call upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Chancellor urging a review of the decision to restrict eligibility to those in receipt of pension credit and other benefits. This is to ensure vulnerable pensioners, particularly those that do not claim pension credit are protected from financial hardship.


Council notes that many eligible for credits do not claim them and will lose winter fuel payments as a result. Therefore, we resolve to undertake an awareness campaign to encourage residents in Hart to check their eligibility. This includes the use of social media and the local press."


In seconding the motion, Cllr Farmer proposed an amendment to be added to the end of the motion, seconded by Cllr Forster:


“We also call upon the Cabinet to support those pensioners on low incomes who just miss out on Pension Credit, and especially those who have unavoidably high energy needs because of disability or illness, by making interim support funding available from the Community Hardship earmarked reserve up until the end March 2025.”


The proposed amendment was discussed and a recorded vote was held:


For:  Crampton; Dorn; Farmer; Forster (4)

Against:  Axam; Bailey; Brown; Clarke; Cockarill; Collins; Crisp; Davies; Harward; Jones; Khepar; Makepeace-Browne; Neighbour; Oliver; Quarterman; Radley; Thomas; Vernon; Wildsmith (20)

Abstain:  Coburn; Hale; Highley; Smith; Southern; Woods; Worlock (7)


The amendment was Defeated.


A further amendment was proposed by Cllr Oliver and seconded by Cllr Makepeace-Browne:


To add to the end of the first paragraph, the sentence “However, we understand the new Government’s dire need to stabilise the country’s finances due to the incompetent and reckless actions of the Conservative party over the last decade.”


Council debated the amendment (during this discussion, Cllrs Crampton, Farmer, Forster and Southern left the meeting at 7.46pm)


A recorded vote was held:


For:  Axam; Bailey; Brown; Clarke; Cockarill; Collins; Crisp; Davies; Harward; Jones; Khepar; Makepeace-Browne; Neighbour; Oliver; Radley; Thomas (16)

Against:  Coburn; Dorn; Hale; Highley; Woods; Warlock (6)

Abstain:  Quarterman; Smith; Taylor; Vernon; Wildsmith (5)


The amendment was Carried


The substantive motion now read:


This Council regrets the decision taken by the Labour Government to end universal winter fuel payments which could push up to 17,992 people in Hart into fuel poverty. However, we understand the new Government’s dire need to stabilise the country’s finances due to the incompetent and reckless actions of the Conservative party over the last decade.


We call upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Chancellor urging a review of the decision to restrict eligibility to those in receipt of pension credit and other benefits. This is to ensure vulnerable pensioners, particularly those that do not claim pension credit are protected from financial hardship.


Council notes that many  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Appointment of Monitoring Officer

To agree the appointment of Ashley Grist as Monitoring Officer from 1 October 2024.




The council should appoint Ashley Grist as Monitoring Officer.



Cllr Neighbour proposed to the Council that Ashley Grist be elected as the new Monitoring Officer with effect from 1 October 2024. This was seconded by Cllr Radley and voted for by a recorded vote:


For:  Axam; Bailey; Brown; Clarke; Coburn; Cockarill; Collins; Crisp; Davies; Dorn; Hale; Harward; Highley; Jones; Khepar; Makepeace-Browne; Heighbour; Oliver; Quarterman; Radley; Smith; Taylor; Thomas; Vernon; Wildsmith; Worlock (26)

Againt:  none

Abstain:  Woods (1)


The Chairman confirmed that Ashley Grist had now been appointed as the new Monitoring Officer from 1 October 2024.


Outside Bodies - Feedback from Members pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To receive any feedback from Members who are representatives of the Council on an Outside Body.


Cllr Clarke reported that he had attended the Bourley, Minley and Bramley Conservation Group the previous day.  Chaired by the MOD, this included a number of stakeholder groups.  Topics at the meeting had included new bylaws, public access, SPA habitats, dog attacks, fire resilience and gorse clearance.  The group works effectively and the training areas have seen improvements year on year.


Cllr Quarterman reported that the Blackbushe Airport Consultative Committee had met the previous week and had heard that there had not been any further progress on the proposal for land exchange which was awaiting a Planning Inspectorate decision.